

Craig tagged me! And I'm not sure what I am specifically supposed to say. I had options, and I'm not great at making rash decisions on the spot like this. So, I am just going to combine the things.

They were:
1. Four blogs that make you think.
2. Six wierd facts about myself.
3. Eight random facts...about myself.

So I present you with...


1. I love Roy Orbison. Make fun of me all you want, but I love that man. This catches people off guard when "Only the Lonely" starts to play on my ipod when I'm driving. But they can suck it.

2. I'm border-line germaphobic! I carry hand sanitizer with me everywhere I go, and Lysol things frequently. But you really cannot be too careful. Did you see that disease-spreading ass face on the news from the plane rides?! And he was finally in DENVER! DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY CONNECTING FLIGHT WAS!!!??? DENVER!!!!

3. I scarcely cry, but when I do, someone had better be getting me flowers or candy or something because it is probably very serious. However, I hardly ever cry in front of people. I'm not completely sure why. It's mostly because I don't like people to see me vulnerable, because they often do because I'm little and adorable. And I'm not vulnerable, I could kick your ass without even trying.

4. I'll do anything ridiculous with a large enough audience.

5. I'm really concieted. Like, way too much. But I think it's okay, because I at least acknowlege it! For instance - I text messaged something to a friend of mine, Ian. And Ian texts back that I'm the funniest chick he knows. I respond, "Yep, and I'm pretty too!" Given, most of it is me just goofing around, but let's not lie, I'm the shit.

6. Pointed out by Parker: I'm a sweet little innocent girl who reads Chuck Palahnuik books. I didn't think anything was weird about it, but apparently it's a little hinky. When asked by my Grandmother why I read his books, I told her I didn't know, I just really love them.

7. When something is bothering me, it's pretty easy to tell if you're not a complete idiot. Any time when I'm happy, I don't do much. I'm a generally very lazy person. But if something is bothering me, I keep insanely busy. Like, one thing after another to avoid dwelling on whatever it is or having to deal with it. Instead of taking to bed when totally crushed, I clean the carpets of my Jeep.

*Parker's myspace blog makes me think about how I really couldn't stand Parker for awhile. And also that Parker being as smart as he is should really have better grammar.

*Puntabulous makes me think things like "hahahaha!" Because Craig is hilarious.

*The Seventh Notion makes me think that going to a prep school would be like A Separate Peace, although I'm sure it's not at all. But Finny was HOT anyway.


Polt said...

Parker has a MySpace!?!?!?! And you never mentioned this to me before because WHY?!?!?!?

Olivia, My Love, I'm devastated! Yeah, i know Parker might not want his old gay stalker having access to that, but Olivia, My Love, it's me! And you know how I'd dive into the pool full of starving piranha to get your car keys for you right? And Rob Orbison DOES rock. And I'm sure you can kick my ass! And yet, I still have no Friend Request from Parker.

My world is crumbling around me. :)


Parker said...

Wow, I was tagged! Not even for a real blog. A Myspace. I am basically famous.

You're the best Olivia!

Oh My Livia... said...

Parker you crazy Joker. I didn't tag you. I said your blog made me think.

I've been gone for three days and look what's happened to you.

Parker said...

I thought about that after the fact and realized what I wrote and what I meant were two completely different things. Way to go pointing that out.