

To the chick in my Sociology class:

Dear you,

I really want to punch you in the neck every time you decide to chime in during lecture. Everything you decide to say sounds the same and not intelligent. The class is unbearable to nearly everyone in the room, and it is made worse by you deciding to state your opinion on every single thing that is mentioned in lecture. I just want to leave class. Really, I do. I want to make a good grade on the test, and leave. This is made far more difficult when you will not shut up and just sit there, like everyone else.

Please shut your dumb face,


Polt said...

Punching her in the neck is much less effective than a pencil shoved right between her eyes.

And less fullfulling too.

Always here with helpful advice,


Phillip said...

So what are you willing to offer to get this girl to shut up?