

So I got tagged...in September...and found this post as a draft...with none of the 8 things. SO HERE I GO!

Alexandra over at http://alexboldes.blogspot.com/ (sorry, shitty school network won't let me use the easy click/link thing where I would have just put "Alexandra" and it would be a link.) tagged me! This made me feel good inside, because I was pretty sure no one read this blog anymore!

Here are the rules:

People who are tagged need to write these rules in their own blogs & share eight things about themselves that others might not know. At the end of the their blog post, they need to tag six people and list their (blog) names. Leave a comment on the blogs of the people they’ve chosen telling them they’ve been tagged and encouraging them to come over and read the eight things you’ve written on your blog.


1. I'm a GIANT Star Wars fan. But normal. I don't dress up (in public...) or anything, but I LOVE it. It's like...the first movie I remember watching. I have the three original VHS tapes...and a shirt...that is really cool.

2. I love sports. I can't under any circumstances play shit, but I love watching them. I get really worked up, and yell "Attack!" I don't know what else I'm supposed to yell. I yell "Get the fuckin ball!" a lot. As well as "What are you doing?!" And GO GO GO! All of these things sound a little sexual, now that I'm writing them down.

3. I have a son. Kidding! But how awesome would that be?! Aside from the me being a parent part, but like, THINK about it! I'd have a little sidekick! He could drive around like that cat! Can't think of the name! Starts with a "T"

4. I'm a beer pong champion. I will kick your ass. No questions asked. You will leave my house crying. Because of me...completely obliterating you.

5. I'm lactose-intolerant. You should know this in case you ever plan on giving me gifts of like...lactose. It's not a good idea, order me something else! Kittens! I love kittens!

6. I clean a lot. I just do. I like things to be clean. It looks happier that way. It's easier to find things, you are prepared for random people coming over, it's great.

7. I hate Lewis Black. SO MUCH! I just want to hurt him. He was just on TV. I just...want to stab him.

8. My legs are uncannily smooth right now. I got this new razor, it's amazing. Like...you could eat off my leg right now or something. I don't know what kind of metaphor is appropriate.

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